
Showing posts from November, 2017

November 27, 2017

Highlights: • Today in gym we played relay races - Nirat • Today we read Edward Tulane.  They switched his name to Jangles! Edward got a new owner.  It was a littel girl (Sarah Ruth) who loved her new present.  She used to have a doll, and now she has a bunny rabbit- Macy, Manreet, and Sophie • Today we did persuasive writing and we were trying to persuade the people that are going to build the berm bridge not too - Temi • In Daily Three, I got new books.  My group got "How to eat Fried Worms" - Jack • This week we are going to continue doing our presentations on the Weaselhead - Juliana Reminders: • Tomorrow we have P.E. club - Theo

November 22, 2017

Highlights: • We worked on Daily 3 in the morning   - Macy • During inquiry time, we worked on dioramas and google slides - Sophia • I loved singing Red Nosed Reindeer song in choir - Emily • I played wheel chair basketball in gym just like yesterday - Juliana • Today was the first day of the choir - Manreet Reminders:

A note from the ROS Fundraising Society

A note from the ROS Fundraising Society: Spirit wear that was pre-ordered will be in the school in early December.  Any further questions can be directed to Thanks kindly,   ROSFS crew.

November 20, 2017

Highlights: • Today we had a substitute in gym.  We played basketball - Juliana and Keegan • Today we did persuasive writing. We were asked if Grade 3's should have a bed time - Victoria • Today we did inquiry to continue our research about our new animal to learn about adaptations, food chains, and what would happen to the air, water, food, and habitat if they built a berm bridge - Emily and Robert •  Today in recess, we played tag and I said to Theo "Come here!" - Bassam • We also played epic fail at recess - Griffin and Brandt • Today we discussed reading strategies.  We talked about being able to predict what will happen - Sophie • Today we read Edward Tulane.  Edward got thrown in the garbage, and a dog found him - Macy and Shaelyn Reminders: • Donations are still being accepted for Stephen's backpack • If you want to join the choir, please return the blue form tomorrow

November 16, 2017

Highlights: •  Today in gym we played basketball and we practiced doing the V-dribble between your legs and taking shots on the net - Brandt and Macy • We also played sharks and minnows with our basketballs - Keegan • Today we made centres for parent teacher conferences today and tomorrow, and we practiced showing our stuff with a partner -Brady • Today the math was about place value.  We had different strategies like stacking math or triangle math - Temi • Today some people finished up their t-charts in math - Jagger • We went to reading groups today and some of us read a new book in Ms. Bennet's class - Manreet • Today in Daily Three we learned a new reading strategies.  One strategy was to use known words to work other words - Jack • Today we also read the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane - Jagger Reminders: •  Parent teacher conferences are tonight and tomorrow, and there is no school tomorrow.  Come check out  the art tonight!

GSA Fundraiser

Hello all, The following message is forwarded on from a Grade 9 teacher at William D. Pratt School: WDPratt’s GSA is presenting The Polar Express on Wednesday December 13. Our Gender & Sexuality Alliance is using this event as a fund raiser to purchase a button maker for the school. We would like to invite families to join us for a movie and a bake sale. As well, there will be “craft tables” available for “purchase” for adults or students to sell crafty things (artwork, jewellery, soap, etc). This will be a perfect opportunity to buy stocking stuffers or other items for the holidays, however you celebrate them. This is a great opportunity to build community spirit and awareness of diversity issues and equal rights. Everyone is welcome. It will be a bring your own pillow and blanket event. There will be more information (including a promotional poster for you to post in the school) coming shortly. Donations will be gratefully accepted at the door for the movie and proceeds

Stephen's Backpacks

Hi everyone, here is a short message about Stephen's Backpacks: Link is here:

November 13, 2017

Highlights: • Today in gym we played basketball - Bassam • We got partners for our animals in inquiry today - Keegan • Today we read Edward Tulane.  We read the part where somebody found him - Sophie • Today we got daily three, some of us got new books - Brady • Today in math, we continued on our t-shirt factory problems, and we presented them to the class and to our partners - Shaelyn and Temi • Today we did our classroom jobs and the blog together! - Macy •  In math, we made a circle together and counted backwards from 873 by 10s - Juliana Reminders: • Parent teacher conferences are this week (Thursday evening and Friday morning).  Please sign up online if you have not already done so.

November 9, 2017

Highlights: • Today I had fun when I played on the playground at recess, even though it was cold - Bassam • Today in gym, we got to play with the balloons, practice our throwing, and use the hula hoops - Nirat • Today we read letters from Mr. Duggan (pretending to be from the City of Calgary) to help research the Weaselhead animal adaptations and the effects of the berm bridge  - Griffin • Today we wrote about the Weaselhead questions.  The questions asked 'what did you enjoy about inquiry', what were your challenges this year, how did you overcome it, and 'what do you still wonder about the Weaselhead problem'- Keegan and Shaliza • Today in Daily 3 we got new books about 'Underground homes' - Brady Reminders: • Tomorrow at school, we are having a Remembrance Day Ceremony.  If you have a scouting or guiding uniform, you may wear it to school.

November 7, 2017

Highlights: •  Today we painted the backgrounds for our Remembrance Day art.  Tomorrow we will finish them - Shaelyn • Today in the morning, we did our reading groups.  We talked about what we learned - Macy • We did math today.  We used different strategies to solve a word question - Juliana and Manreet • Today in gym we played Skittles.  Ms. Hennick split us into different groups - Keegan •Today in music we practiced our Remembrance Day song - Temi • Tomorrow we will practice being on the risers in music - Shaliza • Today in writing we used a starter sentence to start a story. We wrote in 1st person.  The story started with us drinking a bottle of water and we started shrinking - Theo and Sophie Reminders: • Please send an artifact for oral story telling • Picture retakes are tomorrow, November 8th


In class this week, we will be finishing up our Weaselhead animal masks with the artist-in-residence.  After we are finished, we would like to practice our oral story telling skills, as we build and communicate stories centered on our personal masks.  As part of our learning, we would first like to practice telling a story about something familiar.    Please send something that your child will be able to tell a story about.  This could be an particular object or even picture of an object, place, or person.    We will use these as a springboard into practicing story telling. Thank you so much! Mr. Duggan

November 2, 2017

Highlights: • Today we painted our Weaselhead animal masks in art - Brady and Temi • In gym, Ms. Hennick showed us how to score on the net in handball .  We got to pick partners and play a game - Keegan and Sophie • Today in math, we showed our factory math work to the class in a math congress.  You could do stacking math, triangle math, or a t-chart to help find out how many rolls of 10 and how many loose t-shirts we had - Macy and S • Today in centres, we split into table groups.  We learned about Weaselhead animal physical and behaviour adaptations - Robert and Jagger • Today we read Edward Tulane! - Victoria • In Daily three, my group started a new book called "Fantastic Mr. Fox".  I like the book - Jack • We practiced our Remembrance Day song with  a video of Ms. Mann - Juliana Reminders: • Picture retakes are on November 8th