
Showing posts from March, 2018

March 21, 2018

Highlights : • Today in gym, it was our last day doing rock climbing.  We also played GaGa Ball.  You could choose either one - Macy and Sophie • Today in math, we did fraction word problems.  Some of us also learned about reducing fractions - Brooklyn and Shaelyn • Today in writing, we kept doing our animal stories - Bassam • Today we had Book Truck!  - Juliana • We finished our maps and put them up on the wall - Griffin Reminder : • Remember to come to student conferences - Jack • Spring Break is starting Friday! - Manreet

March 19, 2018

Highlights : •  Today in Math, we started doing fractions - Bassam • Today on the climbing wall, we had to go over obstacles on the whole wall.  There were things to go over and through, and little pegs to grab onto to - Brady • In music, we learned a new song called My Aunt Came Back - Griffin and Manreet • Today in social studies we were doing our maps.  We are getting closer to done - Keegan Reminders : • Spring Break is coming! - Juliana • Student-led Conferences are this week - Sophie

March 14, 2018

Highlights : • Today in gym, there was some new fitness circuits like skipping, bench push-ups, yoga, and planking - Keegan, Griffin, and Theo • Today in math, some of us were finishing our division strategies, and some of us were working on multiplication and division questions - Shaelyn • Today we did our Weaselhead writing.  Some of us are working on our first paragraph and some are working on our second paragraph - Sophie and Jagger • Today in literacy, some of us got new books, and we also read The One and Only Ivan - Sophie and Juliana • We started building our maps.  Most of us are a quarter of the way done - Brooklyn Reminders : • Please complete and return the blue sheet for conferenes - Brady and Manreet • There is a book drive being run by the Kindergarteners - Griffin

March 12, 2018

Highlights : • We had math at the end of the day, instead of at the start.  We did division questions using all types of strategies (counting equal groups, arrays, words, repeated subtraction, and fact family) - Brooklyn • We didn't have gym today because Ms. Hennick was away - Robert • Today in social studies, we learned about India and their food, clothes, money, and we even coloured maps - Nirat, Sophie, Theo • Today in music we did a song called Backwards Town - Temi • The ice skating rink is melting.So we will not have skating this week.  - Juliana and Manreet Reminders : • Student centered conferences are next week.  Please sign up online.

March 8, 2018

Highlights: • Today in gym we climbed 4 panels or less on the climbing wall -Emily • Today we did a new question in math on muffles truffles. We were each assigned partners to help us focus –Juliana and Griffin • Today in writing we were doing our myth stories. Most of us are doing our good copies on the computer –Keegan and Brooklyn • Today in music we learned a new song and did some actions to go along with it. The song was called “Backwards Town” –Brady, Macy, Theo. • We finished up our Rangoli art –Shaelyn • Today in social studies we studied Tunisia and we made a map -Robert Reminders :  • Picture day Monday -Manreet • Please return blue skating forms

March 7, 2018

Highlights : • Today in Math, we did Muffles and Truffles to work on multiplication and division - Bassam • TOday in Social Studies we did the map of Ukraine - Shaliza • Today in writing, most of us started working on computers - Robert • Today in gym, we did some fitness centres. On Monday we started the climbing wall - Macy and Jack • Today with our Grade 1 buddies, we built structures with Kinect Blocks - Keegan and Sophie Reminder : • Class photos are on March 12th - Temi • Skating forms are coming home.  Please complete and return them.


Hello Royal Oak School Parents and Guardians! Your son and/or daughter will be bringing home a letter soon telling you about our Skating Activity that will take place March 14, 15 and 16 th . We are looking for several volunteers to help with tying skates, assisting on the ice, walking with classes from the school to the outdoor rink and helping with the skate shack. We are very fortunate to have booked the KidSport skate shack and we will need a few volunteers organizing and managing the skates and helmets. If you are available to help out during this activity please email Keri Blakeney at for more information.

March 2, 2018

Highlights : • Today in gym we did Ga-Ga ball! - Keegan • Today we took pictures of our bridges and answered some questions and put it into IRIS - Temi • Today in Friday Journals and Circle of Courage we wrote about what we did for Kindness this week or what others did for us.  - Brady and Bassam • Today we did read to self - Shaelyn • Today Ms. G. read us a book about kindness.  There is always room for 3 and more! - Macy Reminders : Next week we are starting climbing.  Please return the blue forms! - Juliana