
Showing posts from April, 2018

Volunteer Tea


Calgary Reads

Calgary Reads is looking for donations for their Annual Big Book Sale.  If your family has any gently used books that you could donate, they will have volunteers set up at CrossIron Mills tomorrow amor 10:00am – 5:00pm  accepting donations.  For more information about other donation sites and dates, please visit the website below!

April 27, 2018

Highlights:  • Today we went to Circle Friday Clubs, and we all did different things - Victoria • Today we did Friday Journal, and Circle of Courage.  We said how we feel belonging. - Macy • Today in social studies ,we did our four countries stories. - Brandt Reminders: • Please bring back your blue Alien In-line forms.  It starts next week - Jack

Alien In-line Volunteering

Hi everyone, Below is a link to sign up for Alien In-line volunteering.  Please check it out if you are an approved volunteer and interested!

April 26, 2018

Highlights : • Today in gym, we did skittles.  It was a tie, because Ms. Rutland's class won once, and our class won once - Keegan and Brooklyn • Today we did our Inca art, and most of us are almost finished.  Some of us are onto our second one. - Victoria and Emily Z. • In reading, we read The One and Only Ivan - Nirat Reminders: • On May 7th, we are going up to Pratt for a play - Jagger • Remember to bring in our Alien In-line forms - Sophie

April 25, 2018

Highlights: • Today in art, we worked on the volunteer tea card.  Some of us worked on our Inca art.  Some of us are done - Sophie and Bassam • Today we had a special event for Jump Rope for Heart.  All of us gathered on the compound for jump rope and hula hoop.  Jump rope for heart took so long! - Brooklyn and Keegan • We finished our old stations in literacy, and some of us got new stations!  - Jack and Brady • Today in inquiry, we did researched for our four countries - Brandt Reminder: • Please return the Alien In-line forms - Shaelyn • On May 7th, the William D. Pratt will be performing a play - Emily Z. • Please take a look at and return the Volunteer Tea invitations - Manreet

Alien In-line Schedule UPDATE

The latest updated Alien-in line schedule is below.  Please use this as your reference.

Jump Rope for Heart!

Hello! Tomorrow is our Jump Event Day! There are a few things we want you to remember for tomorrow: 1) Wear RED in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation 2) Remember to bring in your pledge collection envelope 3) If you have your own skipping rope, please bring it to school. Don't forget to put your name on it. 4) Get ready to get your hearts pumping and have some fun! Make sure you eat well and get a good night's sleep so you will have lots of energy for our Jump Day!! We also want to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Royal Oak Sobeys for donating oranges to our school so we can enjoy a healthy snack after the event. THANK YOU SOBEYS!!!

April 18, 2018

Highlights: • Today in Social Studies, we are mostly finished research and started writing our stories about the country we chose - Sophie • Today in gym, we were doing badminton with either birdies or balloons. - Keegan • In math, we needed to make a fence with a perimeter of 50m using irregular shapes.  Yesterday we used regular shapes - Jack and Griffin • Today we did some art.  It was called Inca art.  We had to make our own designs using irregular or regular shapes. It had to symmetrical or it had to have a pattern. - Emily, Macy, Theodore, and Brandt Reminders: • In May, we are walking up to William D. Pratt school to watch a play about Willy Wonka - Juliana • Jump rope for Heart forms are due April 25th - Sophie

Jump Rope for Heart

Hello ROS students, parents and guardians! Our Heart and Stroke Foundation Jump Rope For Heart Fundraiser is well on its way. Our kick off assembly last week got students excited to participate. Students are encouraged to continue collecting pledges until Wednesday, April 25th when we will have our Jump Rope for Heart Day event. The Jump Event will run from  1:30-2:30  on the 25th, our entire school will converge in the courtyard to skip, be active and have fun. Students are encouraged to bring their own skipping ropes if they have one to participate in this school wide event. Thank you for your continued support!! Ms Hennick

April 11, 2018

Highlights : • Today in gym, we did our centres for jump rope for heart- Brady • Today in social studies, we were studying about Peru, Tunisia, India, and Ukraine.  Tomorrow, some of us will be making stories using the facts we collected from the books and computers - Emily • Today in Math, we made paper robots.  We had to use shapes that are regular and measure the centimeters to figure out the perimeter - Sophie, Nirat, and Manreet Reminders : Support Humboldt Broncos We are inviting all students and staff to participate in Jersey Day on Thursday, April 12th in support of the families and community members affected by the bus crash in Saskatchewan last the weekend. Please wear any team jersey, Royal Oak Blue or Canada Shirt that is your favourite or important to you and demonstrate your support.

Support Humboldt Broncos

Support Humboldt Broncos We are inviting all students and staff to participate in Jersey Day on Thursday, April 12th in support of the families and community members affected by the bus crash in Saskatchewan last the weekend. Please wear any team jersey, Royal Oak Blue or Canada Shirt that is your favourite or important to you and demonstrate your support.

April 10, 2018

Just a friendly reminder from the ROS Fundraising Society that our Spring fundraiser is happening now!  We are excited to be offering beautiful patio planters, hanging flower baskets, tomato plants and baskets, as well as, strawberry hanging baskets from Central Alberta Greenhouses! Order forms are due April 18th Cheques can be made payable to: ROS Fundraising Society All orders will be made available for pick-up on May 10th!! Please email , with any questions. Thank you for your continued support!

April 9, 2018

Highlights : • Today in social studies, we started to research about one of the four countries (Tunisia, Ukraine, India, and Peru) so we can do a Draw My Life next - Brady • Today in math, we were given a sheet to figure out the perimeter of different shapes.  We had to name the shape and perimeter - Sophie • In Literacy, we started Quality of Life Centres - Brooklyn Reminder : • We have a new student coming tomorrow! - Nirat • Green Fundraiser forms are coming home

April 6, 2018

Highlights : • We started our Circle Friday Clubs - Shaelyn • Today we finished making videos of our Weaselhead animal legends - Temi • TOday we didn't have enough time to do our Friday Journals - Keegan • On Monday we start composting! - Jack • Today we had indoor recess - Manreet Reminders : • Our masks are coming home today!

April 4, 2018

Highlights : • Today in Social Studies we learned about quality of life. We read two stories and we had to vote which person had the better quality of life. We had to share how we felt after reading the stories -Nirat, Macy, and Sophie • In Gym we got to do the goalie practice for our floor hockey unit and tomorrow we will be doing real games, but the goalies can't go on the floor -Brady • Today some of us finished our Pysansky eggs -Manreet • Today in Math we measured things.  Also we did questions on the perimeter of shapes -Temi, and Brooklyn Reminders : • Please check your child's backpack for the BOKS form.  If you are interested please return the form tomorrow, as it is first come first serve.