Monday, September 18


We had a fire drill.  We are practicing just in case there is a real fire. – Brady

We are learning safety – Keirnan

We worked on our Pop art portrait – Sophie

We went into IRIS and put in our goals, things we’re good at, and strategies – Shaelynn and Jack

We did some place value math.  We figured out what our numbers were going to be and put them in order– Keegan

In gym, we did relay races! - Macy


"Everything that goes home" folders were sent home today.  Forms, letters, and other things from school will travel home in these folders.

This is Safety week!  We had a fire drill today, and will be having a practice lockdown and practice evacuation later this week.

The evacuation practice is scheduled for Wednesday at 10:45 am, and the lockdown practice is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:30pm.