October 18, 201


•Today we did a Found poem about the Weaselhead - Shaliza

• We had gym in the afternoon - Bassam

• Today in gym we played Knock-out.  You're trying to knock down all the pins. - Jagger

• We continued our research on the Weaselhead animals that we chose.  We are also almost done our trading cards - Temi

•We did our reading groups today in the morning - Shaelyn


• Weaselhead Field Trip is today, Thursday, October 19!

• Next week, we have an artist in Residence joining us at Royal Oak School!   She will be working with our class for 4 sessions over the next 3 weeks, as we work on creating animal masks for some of our favourite Weaselhead animals.

• Here is our class brainstorm for our Found poems about Weaselhead: