October 26, 2017


• We watched a video about wolves and moose on Isle Royale - Jack and Shaelyn

• In Phys Ed. we played the last game of end-zone chicken.  Next week, we start handball - Keegan

• We finished up our Found poems about the Weaselhead - Jagger

• We read a book about wolves on an island.  When the wolves left,  it was hard to find food - Sophie and Manreet

• In Math, we continued working on our t-shirt factory problem.  We had to figure out how many rolls and loose t-shirts we had - Shaliza

• We  had a gallery walk for our math problems and we showed and explained our math to the class - Shaelyn

•  Here is a picture of the book we read, as well as some of our work today:


•  Interested parents are invited to participate in the new Naturalization Project at Royal Oak School.  Our first meeting will be on Thursday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m.

• Our next artist in residence session is on Monday!

•  Pumpkinella is on October 31st! Pumpkin drop off is on the 30th between 4pm-5pm at school.