October 31, 2017


• Today we did Halloween wrting.  We used different pictures to help us write a small story - Shaelyn

• Today in gym we played a game where wtiches were guarding the candy from people - Brady

• We also played zombie tag in gym - Brandt

• Today in Math, we had partners and were working on our t0shirt factory.  We had small, medium, large, and extra large sizes and we needed to figure out how many loose shirts and how many rolls of 10 we had - Macy

• Today in music, we did the Remembrance Day song with the drums and guitar and had to sing the melodies - Shaliza

•  In lunch we ate lunch in our classroom today because Pumpkinella was in the gathering space - Keegan


• Picture retakes are November 8

• Scholastic flyers went home today, in case you are interested