October 5, 2017


•Today we had a Terry Fox Run.  Our total for our class was 90 laps - Sophie

•Today we finished up a math question to figure out how many bikes, skateboards, and scooters to add up to 25 wheels.  - Jack

•Today we wrote about Terry Fox. We had to write about the most important things about Terry Fox - Macy

•Today we did social studies about Terry Fox - Brady

•We finished up creating our maps of the area surrounding the Weaselhead Natural Area this week, and are now looking into some of the animal that live there - Mr. Duggan


•Thanksgiving is on Monday.  There is no school on that day.

•Our class will be going to the Wetlands with Ms. Bennett's class on Tuesday, October 10th.

•Picture day is on Thursday, October 12!