
Showing posts from December, 2017

December 21, 2017

Highlights: • Today we finished up our winter paintings that we working on.  There were two choices you could pick.  One was black tree silhouettes - Macy • Today in gym, we played Last Man Standing with mats up and teams - Sophie and Theo • Today is the last day of school!  - Bassam • Today in math, we were doing some subtraction about Christmas - Keegan • Today after Daily Three, we finished up a Legend called "Coyote Tales" • Today we did oral story telling about some legends that we read.  We put them on IRIS - Shaelyn Reminders: • Tomorrow there is no school - Juliana • Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - Room 58 • Classes resume January 8th

December 20, 2017

Highlights: • Today we sang Christmas Carols in the gym at an assembly. The grade 3 choir sang at the front - Keegan and Theo • Today we painted a silhouette and painted ornaments hanging on branches of a tree - Nirat and Emily • Today in gym, we started seeing the gymnastics equipment - Juliana • Today in gym we played "put presents under the Christmas Tree" - Bassam • Today some of Ms.Bennett's class came over and we read some of the Coyote legend - Manreet Reminders: • Tomorrow is the last day of school before the holidays - Griffin • Please sign and return the report card envelopes. • Tomorrow is Festive Wear Day!  Wear your favorite holiday apparel. • Check backpacks for the holiday art!

December 15, 2017

Highlights: • Today we had gym in the morning, even though we don't usually! In gym we were doing Last Man Standing - Robert and Keegan • Today Ms. G is leaving, and she will be back in February.  We made some cards for her. - Jagger and Manreet • Ms. G. taught us more about oral story telling.  We had to pick a book and do the characters, setting, beginning, problem, events, and solution, and conclusion - Jack • This was called a story board.  The stories were "The Loon's Necklace", "How the Walrus and the  Caribou came to be", "The Owl and the SikSik", and "Coyote" - Griffin • Today we made a circle.  We talked about how we feel belonging with Ms. G - Bassam

December 12, 2017

Highlights: • Today we learned about how to build a stable bridge.  Stable means it is not wiggling around and it is hard to move it - Theo and Robert • Today in gym, we played cat and mouse with a parachute.  The cats try to get the mice - Macy and Sophie • Today in math, we did more subtraction and we also did some stacking and number line - Manreet and Shaelyn • Today in music we sang jingle bell rock - Temi •  In reading, we finished Edward Tulane!  Abilene and Maggie found Edward.  Maggie is Abilene's daughter - Brandt, Theo and Jack Reminders: • If you are participating in choir, please remember to return your blue field trip forms

December 11, 2017

Highlights: • Today in gym we were doing the parachute - Keegan • Today in buddy time, we danced to Holiday songs.  Some had Santa - Bassam • Today for inquiry, we built a bridge using straws, popsicle sticks, and elastic bands - Nirat • Today in math, we did subtraction in our math books - Brady

December 7, 2017

Highlights: • In math, we did a problem where there were some children on the climber, and some others in the sandbox,  We had to figure out how many more were on the climber than in the sandbox - Brooklyn • We solved it using a number line, subtraction, and addition - Manreet and Brady • In gym, it was our last day playing with the Kin-ball.  We played powerball - Robert • Today we made snowflakes for the Christmas Market - Jack and NIrat • We also finished holiday cards for the community - Bassam • Today in  the afternoon, we had inquiry and we tried to finish our letters - Juliana • Today we learned about bridges - Shaliza Reminders: • The Royal Oak School Christmas Market is this Saturday, December 9, 2017 from 1pm-4pm. • Tomorrow is a P.D. day.  There is no school.

December 6, 2017

Highlights: • Today in gym, we played Indiana Jones with the Kin-ball - Robert • Today we had Daily three, and some of us got new books - Macy • Today we made a circle and we started story telling - Bassam • Today we did subtraction math with our partners  - Manreet Reminders: • Friday is a P.D. and there is no school

Update to Stephen's Backpack

Stephen's Backpacks  We will be accepting donations for Stephen's Backpacks until the end of the school week, (Thursday, December 7th). A special 'Thank You' to our Royal Oak families for your generosity. At the heart of every donation is the desire to make a difference in one child's life. 

December 4, 2017

Highlights: • In Edward Tulane, he cracked his head open, but a guy fixed him.  Bryce couldn't pay the man, so he had two choices:  find someone else to fix him or Edward would become the man's. - Brandt • Today in gym we played Kin-ball - Nirat • Today we made more art with our buddies in Ms. Quesnel's class.  We made scratch art - Robert and Theo • Today in inquiry time, we started writing notes for the City of Calgary - Sophie • Today in inquiry, we also did a debate about whether we should or should not build a bridge - Jagger • Today in math, we did subtraction with number lines and stacking math - Shaelyn Reminders: • Wednesday is the last day for donations to Stephen's backpack - Brady • This Friday is a P.D. Day and so there is no school - Theo

December 1, 2017

Highlights : • Today we had gym in the classroom.  We played ping pong - Temi • Today in art we were making cards for donating them for fundraising - Brandt and Nirat • Today we made a circle meeting.  We talked about how to help people - Bassam • Today we wrote in Friday Journals about what we did this week - Sophie • Today Ms. Hennick came explained art and the gym  games to us - Juliana • We did presentations in inquiry today about the Weaselhead animals and how the bridge will impact the animals - Brooklyn Reminders: • Stephen's backpack is still accepting donations until Wednesday, December 6th