December 7, 2017


• In math, we did a problem where there were some children on the climber, and some others in the sandbox,  We had to figure out how many more were on the climber than in the sandbox - Brooklyn

• We solved it using a number line, subtraction, and addition - Manreet and Brady

• In gym, it was our last day playing with the Kin-ball.  We played powerball - Robert

• Today we made snowflakes for the Christmas Market - Jack and NIrat

• We also finished holiday cards for the community - Bassam

• Today in  the afternoon, we had inquiry and we tried to finish our letters - Juliana

• Today we learned about bridges - Shaliza


• The Royal Oak School Christmas Market is this Saturday, December 9, 2017 from 1pm-4pm.

• Tomorrow is a P.D. day.  There is no school.