
Showing posts from October, 2017

October 31, 2017

Highlights: • Today we did Halloween wrting.  We used different pictures to help us write a small story - Shaelyn • Today in gym we played a game where wtiches were guarding the candy from people - Brady • We also played zombie tag in gym - Brandt • Today in Math, we had partners and were working on our t0shirt factory.  We had small, medium, large, and extra large sizes and we needed to figure out how many loose shirts and how many rolls of 10 we had - Macy • Today in music, we did the Remembrance Day song with the drums and guitar and had to sing the melodies - Shaliza •  In lunch we ate lunch in our classroom today because Pumpkinella was in the gathering space - Keegan Reminders: • Picture retakes are November 8 • Scholastic flyers went home today, in case you are interested

October 31, 2017

Reminders: • Today is Halloween!  If you like, wear orange an black today to celebrate! • Picture retakes are on November 8th • There are still two more artist in residence sessions left for our class.  Ask your child about their animal mask!

October 26, 2017

Highlights: • We watched a video about wolves and moose on Isle Royale - Jack and Shaelyn • In Phys Ed. we played the last game of end-zone chicken.  Next week, we start handball - Keegan • We finished up our Found poems about the Weaselhead - Jagger • We read a book about wolves on an island.  When the wolves left,  it was hard to find food - Sophie and Manreet • In Math, we continued working on our t-shirt factory problem.  We had to figure out how many rolls and loose t-shirts we had - Shaliza • We  had a gallery walk for our math problems and we showed and explained our math to the class - Shaelyn •  Here is a picture of the book we read, as well as some of our work today: Reminders •  I nterested parents are invited to participate in the new Naturalization Project at Royal Oak School.  Our first meeting will be on Thursday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m. • Our next artist in residence session is on Monday! •  Pumpkinella is on October 31st! Pumpkin drop

October 23, 2017

Highlights: • We wrote about the different kinds of schools that we could make that would make it really fun - Shaleyn • We had a lockdown today because there was a coyote outside - Temi and Keegan • Today in gym, we played a chicken game and you had to get it away from the other team. After that, we played End-zone Chicken- Sophie and Jagger • In literacy, we did Daily three today.  It when you have different stations. We did read and write about a book, use 'into the book' on the computer, and community of readers - Macy, Juliana, and Shaelyn • Today we did lots of writing! - Bassam • We are going to be starting a Fosnot math problem this week - Shaliza Reminders: • Tomorrow we have an artist coming to help us create Weaselhead animal masks! • Next week is Pumpkinella!  It is on October 31st.

October 21, 2017

Highlights and Reminders: • Today we finished up our "Galaxy Witch" Pumpkin that will be on display at Sobey's.  Check it out! • We also spent some time today putting our reflections on the Weaselhead field trip into IRIS.   Here are some of the questions that helped guide our thoughts: • This Halloween Dance letter from School Council went out last week, but in case you missed it:


Today we went to the Weaselhead!  We saw an osprey, a blue jay, some fish, and possibly a beaver!   Check us out!

October 18, 201

Highlights: •Today we did a Found poem about the Weaselhead - Shaliza • We had gym in the afternoon - Bassam • Today in gym we played Knock-out.  You're trying to knock down all the pins. - Jagger • We continued our research on the Weaselhead animals that we chose.  We are also almost done our trading cards - Temi •We did our reading groups today in the morning - Shaelyn Reminders: • Weaselhead Field Trip is today, Thursday, October 19! • Next week, we have an artist in Residence joining us at Royal Oak School!   She will be working with our class for 4 sessions over the next 3 weeks, as we work on creating animal masks for some of our favourite Weaselhead animals. • Here is our class brainstorm for our Found poems about Weaselhead:

October 17, 2017

Highlights: • In the morning we did Daily Five and reading together.  We looked at Into the Book on computers. - Brandt • I'm excited about the trip to Weaselhead on Thursday! - Manreet • In math, we did addition. We learned about stacking. - Nirat • We searched about our animals from the Weaselhead.  We are getting close to done - Macy and Jack • Today in gym, Ms. Hennick said we are going to  keep doing underhand and overhand throwing. - Emily • Today we did a vote on the pumpkin proposals.  We are decorating the pumpkin on Friday. - Sophie and Shaelyn Reminders: • Weaselhead Field trip is this Thursday, October 19!

Pumpkinella - October 31, 2017


October 13, 2017

Highlights: • Today we had a substitute teacher in gym - Jagger • Today was picture day - Robert • We continued on in our pumpkin writing.  We were doing persuasive writing - Manreet •We worked on our Weasel head animal research - Temi • Today we worked on learning schedules - Brady • We had our second day of reading groups  - Shaelyn Reminders: • Please complete and return field trip forms for the field trip on Oct 19 to the Weaselhead Natural Area • Monday is a PD day.  No school for students.

October 10, 2017

Highlights: • We had a field trip to the Wetlands - Brady • We researched about the animals in the Weaselhead and their habitats all around it. - Temi • Today at gym we were doing accuracy for the under arm throw  - Emily • Today we had a practice fire drill, and we beat our last record for getting out of the school - Sophie Reminders: • Weaselhead field trip forms went home today for our visit on October 19!  Please complete and return to school. • Picture day is October 12th

October 5, 2017

Highlights: •Today we had a Terry Fox Run.  Our total for our class was 90 laps - Sophie •Today we finished up a math question to figure out how many bikes, skateboards, and scooters to add up to 25 wheels.  - Jack •Today we wrote about Terry Fox. We had to write about the most important things about Terry Fox - Macy •Today we did social studies about Terry Fox - Brady •We finished up creating our maps of the area surrounding the Weaselhead Natural Area this week, and are now looking into some of the animal that live there - Mr. Duggan Reminders: •Thanksgiving is on Monday.  There is no school on that day. •Our class will be going to the Wetlands with Ms. Bennett's class on Tuesday, October 10th. •Picture day is on Thursday, October 12!

October 3, 2017

Highlights: •Today we researched about the Weaselhead - Nirat •We learned the Weaselhead  Park opened in the early 1980s - Brooklyn •We made our maps of the Weaselhead - Victoria •We had gym today. Ms. Hennick taught us a new game: "Every person for themselves"  Emily •We learned  that how long it takes to some things, like brushing your teeth takes 3 minutes. - Keegan •Music was very fun because we learned new notes -  Juliana and Manreet Reminders: • Book Truck is tomorrow! • Terry Fox Run is on Thursday!

October Gym Club Schedule


Calgary Reads Volunteer Training

Calgary Reads Volunteer Training Royal Oak School is in need of more volunteers for our Calgary Reads programs. Please see the information below about how to volunteer. Wee Reads Wee Read is about reading aloud and sharing the joy of reading with Kindergarten and Grade 1 students. Reading volunteers would need to commit to 30 minutes per week for 8 weeks. In this 30 minutes, volunteers will have the opportunity to work with two students either in Kindergarten or Grade 1. If you are interested in volunteering for this program, a valid police clearance through the CBE is required. Interested volunteers are asked to please attend a Wee Reads training session on  Wednesday October 18 th  from 2:30 - 3:50pm . The training sessions will be offered at Royal Oak School. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sarah Power at   and RSVP by Monday evening, October 16th. Read Up   The Read Up program helps struggling readers in grades o

October 2, 2017

Highlights: •We learned about why the city want to build a bridge through the Weaselhead.  Ask me about it at home! Reminders: • Terry Fox Run has been moved to Thursday!  Due to cold weather and snow, the Terry Fox Run will now be on Thursday morning. •Book Truck is Wednesday •Home Reading program folders will be coming home shortly.  They are yours to use, but please send them back so I can see how things are going.